Study Abroad

I will be in Ireland from June 4th- July 1st. Follow where I am and what I'm doing!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Trad on the Prom

Last night our group went to a music festival called Trad on the Prom.  It was tradtional irish music and dancing.  It was phenomenal to see all the talent of the dancers. 
Today was our last day of classes and it was wonderful.  We all shared in one of the most powerful, emotional, and beautiful experiences I've ever had in my life.  It is so hard to explain what we did but it brought everyone much closer together. We live in a culture of focusing on the negative things and it is so eye opening to share all the positive things that we've learned about each other. I'm honored to be able to share this experience with the 32 other phenomenal women on this trip :) 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Weekend In Dublin

We spent the weekend in Dublin visiting Pavee Point and attending and marching in the Gay Pride Parade.  We did a lot of shopping because they have a lot more to offer in dublin. Thursday we toured the guinness factory and I had my first (and possibly last) guinness ever. The factory was very cool though and also interactive. Friday morning we went to Pavee Point which is a shelter and informatin center for Irish travellers. They are an ethnic minority in Ireland that travels around instead of staying in permanent housing. They are very discriminated against.  It was cool to learn about another culture and the struggles they have faced throughout the years. Things are beginning to change for the better for this group and they are able to get into the government more and chage policies.  Saturday we watched and marched in the gay pride parade which was indescribable. It was such an empowering experience and it was great to see people able to express themselves and not be criticized.  The law in Dublin prohibited protesting which was really cool as well.  Sunday we packed up and went home in the morning.  I met some incredible new people and I'm so happy that I branched out and did that. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cliffs of Moher

Today we went out to the Cliffs of Moher. We ended up having a beautiful day. It rained on one of our stops but the entire time we were at the cliffs it was sunny.  There were some really cute shops there and I finally found a gift for my brother :) Hopefully he likes it! It was a pretty short day trip so cool meals to talk about.  Tomorrow we leave for Dublin for the weekend so I have to get a few papers done tonight and pack as well. In dublin we are going to a battered women's shelter and to the gay pride parade for my classes.  The rest of the time we have to explore!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

more pictures

gelato flower :)

the view from the eiffel tower

Weekend in Paris!!!

The weekend in Paris turned out wonderful. Getting there was a different story. Our plane was delayed 45 minutes, the bus broke down at the airport for 2 hours and we didn't get to the hostel till 3 am... the hostel closed at 2. Thankfully the wonderful man at the desk had some sympathy for us and let us in :) The first day we went and toured the eiffel tower and wandered the streets of Paris. Anna and I decided to walk down the eiffel tower instead of taking the elevator.. lets just say we didn't take into account how large it actually was. We definitely got our exercise in. Saturday we hopped on the metro and saw the louvre, Notre Dame, Arc de triomphe, the champs-elysees (the biggest shopping street in paris), and some gardens. It was all so beautiful! When we were walking down the champs-elysees we saw a big building with golden gates and around 200 people waiting in line to get in. We wondered what store could be that popular that 200 people would wait in line to get in. Was it louis vuitton? Was it coco chanel? nope. It was Abercrombie and Fitch. We all had a good laugh at that one :)  Saturday night we went to watch the eiffel tower light up and at 11pm the tower starts to flash and it looks like it is sparkling in the night.  It was a wonderful end to the trip. I'm so glad that I got to go to Paris and being there was so unreal. It's the one place i've dreamed about going my whole life and it was worth every penny.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Aran Islands

Today we took a day trip out to the Aran Islands and it was absolutly beautiful!!! Tomorrow we are leaving for Paris!!! So much to do and see :) We took a ferry out to the islands and a bus tour around the islands... we got to stop and hike up to an old fort and some cliffs.  There were a few places to eat and I got fish and chips that was the "catch of the day"... It was really fresh and delicious!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

First Weekend

This weekend we walked a lot downtown and explored the many shops. There was a fresh market saturday that sold food and crafts.  We went out to a few pubs and listened to live music. Thursday night there was also some live irish dancing that was pretty cool.  There was a boat cruise down the corrib river friday where we saw a few sights and learned how to make irish coffee. My roommates made fajitas for dinner with some fresh vegetables which was delicious! Today we went into town and had lunch at a cafe and did some homework. For dinner everyone met as a group and brought a dish to pass and talked about our weekend.. Some girls went surfing today and they said it was really cool.